Otherwise, the Run the build section of the documentation describes the different steps to execute for a full build. If you are on Windows, you could try Cygwin. This document uses a script to build the Scala IDE plug-in. Make sure you are using the latest nightly. General Purpose Tools > Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment. Select the release update site for the given version of Eclipse (ie. The Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE), which ships with theĮclipse SDK ( Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers) but may need to be installed manually.You can use this Eclipse installation to develop the plug-in, run unit tests, debug changes to the plug-in, etc. Look forĮclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers, which comes with Eclipse Plug-In Development Environment pre-installed. Look for Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers, which comes with Eclipse Plug-In Development.

Eclipse, including JDT (by 2017-04, Eclipse 4.6 Neon should be used). Eclipse, including JDT (by 2017-04, Eclipse 4.6 Neon should be used).